
Download my full CV by clicking on the icon to the right. Scroll down for a quick overview.


  • 2020 - Present
    PhD Oceanography
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
    • GPA: 3.97
  • 2021
    MS Oceanography
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
    • GPA: 3.97
  • 2020
    BS Environment & Sustainability with Distinction in Research
    Cornell University
    • GPA: 4.06

Research experience

  • 2020 - Present
    Graduate Student Researcher
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA
    • Advisor: Dr. Katharine Ricke
    • Modeling the far-reaching climate responses of regional geoengineering proposals
  • 2017 - 2020
    Undergraduate Student Researcher
    Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
    • Advisors: Dr. Douglas Hamilton and Dr. Natalie Mahowald
    • Improving Earth System Model representations of fire and dust aerosols for estimating climate
  • 2018
    Ecosystem Modeling Intern
    Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Portland, ME
    • Advisor: Dr. Katherine Mills
    • Investigating the ecological impacts for diadromous fish populations to rising temperature
  • 2017
    Undergraduate Student Researcher
    Department of Geology, Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA
    • Advisor: Dr. Ann Blythe
    • Analyzing apatite fission-tracks for low-temperature thermochronology applications

Awards & Fellowships

  • 2023
    • Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation Fellowship
    • Scripps Student Symposium Outstanding Presenter Award
  • 2022
    • National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship
  • 2020
    • Scripps Fellowship


  • Peer review
    • Geophysical Research Letters
  • Conference & workshop organization
    • Early career convener for AGU Fall Meeting, GC100. Solar Radiation Modification for Climate Intervention (2023)
    • Co-organizer for Scripps Institution of Oceanography Marine Geoengineering Workshop (2023)
  • Committee memberships & outreach
    • Mentor and leadership for SIO Applicant Support and Knowledge-base program
    • Mentor and leadership for Climate Science Curricular Group Peer Mentor Program
    • Committee member for joint SIO/HDSI faculty hire
    • Student host for SIO Open House
    • Assistant coach for UC San Diego women’s club ultimate frisbee team

Other Qualifications

  • Computer skills: Python, R, Linux commands, MATLAB (limited proficiency), Community Earth System Model (CESM; versions 1 and 2), Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
  • Languages: English (native), Dutch (proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking), Spanish (proficiency in reading, writing, and speaking).